nRF5340DK + nRF7002EK: Wi-Fi issues when upgrading from 2.6.1 to 2.8.0

Dear DevZone,

I believe I am quite familiar to this forum due to my ongoing Wi-Fi issues with SDK 2.6.1 Slight smile To determine if a newer SDK version will resolve these problems, I am now attempting to upgrade to 2.8.0, which is the first step towards 2.9.1. I have successfully built and run our code on the nRF5340 + nRF7002EK, but I am encountering runtime errors when initiating a Wi-Fi scan from the terminal. Interestingly, the first two attempts consistently fail, while the third attempt and all subsequent ones succeed. I have attached a screenshot of the errors, which captures the two unsuccessful attempts. I can also provide this information in a text file if necessary.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Best Regards,


  • Hi Ladislav,

    Thanks for checking with us about this issue.

    "wifi scan" is an standard wifi shell command, did you tried with the offical Wi-Fi: Shell sample to see if you can repeat the issue?

    NCS 2.8.0 has made a lot of changes(Release notes) comparied with NCS 2.6.1. For the upgrade process, it would be better to start with an existing sample on new NCS and adding your origial application logic codes base on it. This can make sure that you are using the new libraies as much as possible to avoide potentional issue.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Ladislav,

    Thanks for checking with us about this issue.

    "wifi scan" is an standard wifi shell command, did you tried with the offical Wi-Fi: Shell sample to see if you can repeat the issue?

    NCS 2.8.0 has made a lot of changes(Release notes) comparied with NCS 2.6.1. For the upgrade process, it would be better to start with an existing sample on new NCS and adding your origial application logic codes base on it. This can make sure that you are using the new libraies as much as possible to avoide potentional issue.

    Best regards,


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