Hello there, this is my first post here.
I'm facing a wall in my project development.
Here is the issue, so during start up of the NRF52832 I see a high current draw for a period of around 600ms.
See the current draw here:
So I have a draw of around 6mA during this phase. I guess this is the module bootloader, and the soft devices starting up and maybe the RF part initiating.
The main issue is that my device will have no charge at all most of the time and it is expected to wake up a soon as the energy harvesting collects some juice and start advertising for maybe a second then when it consumed all the energy available it will just entirely shut down.
So currently with this current draw at the start up it literally needs hundreds of times the available energy. Which is supposed to be enough for a bit of advertising according to our calculations.
Here it is, if any information is needed I'll be pleased to provide them.
Thanks in advance if anyone can help me on this one !