NRF5340 bt_enable returning -11 on custom board but works on DK

I just got my custom board in and when the code gets to bt_enable it returns -11, but on the DK board it works fine (using the same board dts files and software for both).  Trying to figure out what's wrong.  My VDD is 3.3V, I have a 32MHZ crystal and 32.768khz crystal like the dk schematic with no caps on either.   Havent tried UART yet but RTT logging is working. 

My current guess is that the regulators arent enabled properly, I am using config 2 from the datasheet: VDD at 3.3 from external source, USB enabled, DCDC VREGMAIN and VREGRADIO
Do I need to enable vregmain and vregradio in the dts file or defconfig, if so how?

Using nrf connect in VS V2.9.1

Parents Reply Children
  • I am using a custom board definition.  If I program the DK board with it it works, but programming my board doesnt work.   Are you saying that it will program differently because it can somehow detect that one is the DK?

  • Hi Myles,

    scottc19 said:
    it will program differently because it can somehow detect that one is the DK?

    The program does not detect that it's a DK or a custom board. Since your program works well on the DK, as long as your custom board connections and pins are similar to the DK, then the program should be able to run on your custom board. It should be some hardware differences that are causing this issue.

    Could you attach your schematic so that maybe we can cross verify this with the reference design?

