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Wakeup from sleep with GPIO

Hi, I would like to put a nrf51822 device into system off mode and wake it up with a GPIO transition from high to low. I would like to measure the press time of the button after wake up but it seems that software doesn't run properly until the button is pressed. So, does the software run normally after the reset transition even if the button is still pressed? I hope it is clear. Thanks.

  • Well the software doesn't run properly until the button is pressed because it's off. After you press the button and the chip resets then of course it will run normally, from the very start of your code. If you want to measure the press time of the button, then you'll have to detect at the start of your code if the button is currently pressed and start timing it, and you'll miss the time it takse for the system to reset itself.

  • Well the system is off so there is no software running to detect the first button transition, so you only detect the second button transition. So, if you want to time the transition which also caused the chip to come out of reset, you need to check the state of the button right at the start of your code and start timing if it's low. For subsequent presses, when the system is running, the transition will be captured.

  • Well the system is off so there is no software running to detect the first button transition, so you only detect the second button transition. So, if you want to time the transition which also caused the chip to come out of reset, you need to check the state of the button right at the start of your code and start timing if it's low. For subsequent presses, when the system is running, the transition will be captured.

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