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I2C in multimaster mode

I am working on a system with dual Bluetooth chips one acts as primary and the other as secondary.

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I want these two communicate with a shared resource(Accelrometer) via I2C independently. But as per datasheet NRF51822 can not have a MultiMaster I2C. Is there any way to do it via soft I2C implementation? Both nRF51822also communicate with each other to send some command and share status information.

Parents Reply
  • Yes, something like that. I guess the problem in your drawing is that the nRF51 on the right cannot initiate an SPI transfer since it's a slave so the nRF51 to the left still needs to be some sort of mastermind.

    The nRF52 actually went into mass production yesterday though it will probably take some time before the suppliers have them in stock. I can see that has something, but you should check with them exactly which revision they have so you don't get one of the early enginering revisions. If you want more details you can contact our local sales manager for your area. If you don't know who that is just send me a PM and I'll let you know.

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