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nrf52 gpiote interrupt faults out

currently, i connected the nrf52(spi master) with ads1292 (spi slave) which is a ECG sensor. For the ads1292 chips, there is a output pin generating the signal called DRDY to indicate the spi data is ready. just like the following picture shown, when the spi data is ready to send to master, DRDY become low and when the data start to be transmitted, DRDY become high. here I want to use DRDY as a interrupt signal. So i connect this output pin to P0.31 of nrf52 DK and configure p0.31 as a interrupt input pin. however, when i run the program, it will stuck in the interrupt configuration function(drdy_enable). if i comment out the (drdy_enable)function, it will continue to run. please help me check the interrupt function.image description

void drdy_enable(void){
nrf_gpio_cfg_input(31, GPIO_PIN_CNF_PULL_Pullup);  //configure pin0.31 as gpio interrupt
                        | (31 << GPIOTE_CONFIG_PSEL_Pos)
                        | (GPIOTE_CONFIG_MODE_Event << GPIOTE_CONFIG_MODE_Pos);

void GPIOTE_IRQHandler1(void){
			  NRF_GPIOTE->EVENTS_IN[0] = 0;
		DRDY = 1;	}

in main function

{	  // Setup bsp module.

nrf_drv_spi_config_t const config =
    #if (SPI0_ENABLED == 1)
        .sck_pin  = SPIM0_SCK_PIN,
        .mosi_pin = SPIM0_MOSI_PIN,
        .miso_pin = SPIM0_MISO_PIN,
        .ss_pin   = SPIM0_SS_PIN,
    #elif (SPI1_ENABLED == 1)
        .sck_pin  = SPIM1_SCK_PIN,
        .mosi_pin = SPIM1_MOSI_PIN,
        .miso_pin = SPIM1_MISO_PIN,
        .ss_pin   = SPIM1_SS_PIN,
    #elif (SPI2_ENABLED == 1)
        .sck_pin  = SPIM2_SCK_PIN,
        .mosi_pin = SPIM2_MOSI_PIN,
        .miso_pin = SPIM2_MISO_PIN,
        .ss_pin   = SPIM2_SS_PIN,
    .irq_priority = APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOW,
    .orc          = 0xCC,
    .frequency    = NRF_DRV_SPI_FREQ_1M,
    .mode         = NRF_DRV_SPI_MODE_0,
    .bit_order    = NRF_DRV_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST,
			.ss_pin       = NRF_DRV_SPI_PIN_NOT_USED,

ret_code_t err_code_spi = nrf_drv_spi_init(&m_spi_master, &config, spi_master_event_handler);
while (1)
   if (DRDY)
			   DRDY = 0;
		        SPIStreamReadReg(); // send data to master


  • Well you can't just change the name of the GPIOTE handler to something incorrect and then expect it to work can you? The GPIOTE IRQ has a specific name requirement. So your problem is you already have a GPIOTE handler, probably because you're using the button module or something which uses the GPIOTE module. So if you want to use GPIOTE for your interrupt then you have to either not use the button module, or 'pretend' the interrupt line you're using is a button and use a button-style callback for it or find a function in the GPIOTE module which allows you to work alongside it and add your own interrupts. Just ignoring the compilation error by changing the name really wasn't going to work.

  • Well you can't just change the name of the GPIOTE handler to something incorrect and then expect it to work can you? The GPIOTE IRQ has a specific name requirement. So your problem is you already have a GPIOTE handler, probably because you're using the button module or something which uses the GPIOTE module. So if you want to use GPIOTE for your interrupt then you have to either not use the button module, or 'pretend' the interrupt line you're using is a button and use a button-style callback for it or find a function in the GPIOTE module which allows you to work alongside it and add your own interrupts. Just ignoring the compilation error by changing the name really wasn't going to work.

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