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why ble_lbs example button service not responding

I am trying to test the ble_lbs example to understand the basic working principle of the ble custom service using NAN_36 document after compilation followed by the procedure given in the github succed to flash the program in the NRF51DK and i can able to connect it to the MCP once i made connection and bonding i checked the LED characteristics when i write LED off it turn of the LED and viceversa for turn On the LED but it is completely opposite for the button service i press the button on the NRF51DK it is always showing invalid value(0x)04 hardly it being a new leaner its difficult to understand based on the document on some other questions i cma e to know about he concept of this example but whenever i press the button nothing gets changed on the MCP can anybody please provide me some assistance it would be useful for meimage description
