Hi, I use NUS quite alot with the following condition;
(SDK 7.2 & S110 7.1 with IAR 7.1)
When the peripheral only uses NUS, iOS cannot detect the peripheral at the
"settings - Bluetooth" menu.
Whereas on Android, Galaxy 4 Android 5.0.1 / Nexus 5 Android 6.0.1 for example,
displays the device at the settings menu like this.
Also, when I select "Nordic_NUS", the device pairs with the phone.
What I want is that,
I only want to allow connection when the user requests a connection with an App.
For instance, there's the Master Control Panel (MCP).
I want the peripheral to maintain the connection when the central has connected the peripheral with the MCP.
Whereas if an user selects the peripheral from the "Settings - Bluetooth" menu, I want to reject the connection request.
Is this possible to distinguish whether the user has requested with the MCP or not?
Also I want to allow only the connection request from the MCP app.
For instance, I want to also reject connection request when the user uses a nRF Toolbox App.
To be sure, waiting for an certain NUS message after the connection can be one solution.
However, this is not a good solution if the message is discovered by others and it has many flaws.
I hope to see if there's a feature that I don't know.
Hope to hear your clairvoyant answers.
-Kind Regards, Mango