Hi, all.
I want data read from gyro sensor through i2c, and then send it through bluetooth equipment.(PC or iPhone and so on) My development environment is like below.
- chip : nRf51822
- example version : nRF_Example 10.0.0
- pack version : check the attached file(pack_list.PNG)
- Applied "RTT source" for debugging. have no uart port on the board. : devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../
At first, i did test like below.
- [ble_app_hids_keyboard] : operation check completed.
- [twi_sensor] : operation check completed
- [twi_master_using_app_twi] operation check completed
- [ble_app_hids_keyboard + twi_sensor] : operation check completed
- [ble_app_hids_keyboard + twi_master_using_app_twi] : Error occured => I want this feature.
Source build is ok. But when excute the program, it does not working. I guess the problem is for "rtc_config()" function, but it is not sure.
main function is consist of like below:
Plseas kindly comment for resolving this issue.