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NRF51822 beacon with an OLED over SPI


What I need to do is control a small 128x64px SSD1306 display with my beacon. Could anyone please give me some directions to follow? I tried this library but had a lot of errors (SDK version difference probably).

Is there anything else I could try in my case?

Thank you in advance.

Regards, Robert

  • I do not have experience with this myself, but I see the display can be controlled over SPI or I2C (TWI), and I see no reason for why you should not be able to control it from a nRF52. You need to obtain or write a driver for it, and from what it looks like it will require some work. Either you have to jump into writing a library or port this library (if it is functional), or find another display with a good reference driver that you can port to the nRF.

    Does anyone else have some suggestions?

  • I do not have experience with this myself, but I see the display can be controlled over SPI or I2C (TWI), and I see no reason for why you should not be able to control it from a nRF52. You need to obtain or write a driver for it, and from what it looks like it will require some work. Either you have to jump into writing a library or port this library (if it is functional), or find another display with a good reference driver that you can port to the nRF.

    Does anyone else have some suggestions?

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