Hi I have a Nordic Bluetooth NRF1822. I will like conect diferent bluetooth. Is it possible?
Hi I have a Nordic Bluetooth NRF1822. I will like conect diferent bluetooth. Is it possible?
Yes, S130 allows up to (correct me if i am wrong) 8 connections as central and 1 connection as peripheral. Newest version of SD may allow more, but i am not sure because of no documentation released yet.
Yes, the nrf51822 will work as a central/observer role and act like a AP. You can flash it with S120 or S130 and try the ble_central example in the SDK 8/9/10. It can connect to up to 8 peripherals simultaneously.
I am a bit confuse with the memory setting of the S130. Rather than a fixed RAM & ROM, it is varies depending on the applications?
I'm not quite sure if I understand what you mean, but:
The nRF5s supports Bluetooth Low Energy (aka BLE or Bluetooth Smart or Bluetooth 4.x), ANT and proprietary protocols. None of our chips supports Classic Bluetooth (BR/EDR).
If you are talking about connecting two or more nRF5s together in a network then I suggest that you read up on Nordic's Softdevices. These are Nordic's own proprietary BLE protocols, specifically designed for the nRF5 series. As @Wojtek and @ldmxhj points out the various Softdevices support different roles and connection configurations.
ROM is fixed, in newest release S130 RAM consumption should vary of initialization configuration AFAIK.