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Connection Parameter Update


First of all I appreciate the way nordic has put tutorials on the website for the newbies.

I am working with putting custom services in my code, and its working well. I have initialize custom service in my code with READ and WRITE access to connection parameters. I have install Master Control Panel in the android device to see the advertise packet and service packet and it seems alright.

I can also change connection parameter values using READ and WRITE.

And as far as I know, in the main it calls ble_conn_params_on_ble_evt(p_ble_evt) for WRITE operation. as this event has handler for event id BLE_GATTS_EVT_WRITE

But still, I want to know how does it save the received data values in the code .... because on_write() function inside above switch case does not get executed in my code.

But still I can do WRITE operation successfully as when I READ after that I get latest values...

So i want to know which event get called on READ and WRITE Operation in the code...

Thank you.....
