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nrf52 printf() function

hi I am i using Keil to debug the progam, it seems like that the printf() function can't work in keil, so i use jlink RTT to perform the printf function to collect data . since i want to collect a great number of data,the RTT can only receive 200 lines data. is there other way to use printf like uart.

Parents Reply
  • I am using SPI interface to collect data from the slave(ads1192) and transmitted it to nrf52 DK,previously,I just used RTT to show the received data, but now i try to use uart and ble to build communication between PC and smartphone. so i used ble-app-uart example and add spi function into the example. the problem is that when i added the spi function into it , the spi part will not run properly but the ble still can work. is there any interference between ble and spi?

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