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How can I get the exact time in standby mode with 24LE1?

hi, I am a beginer with 24le1. as we know, when the chip in standby mode, it can be waken up by rtc2 or RF interrupt.

  1. if it is waken by RF, how do I know how long has passed in standby mode? on the other words, how do i get the current counter value of rtc2?

  2. if 24le1 is waken up by RF, does the rtc2 continue counting until equal RTC2CMP1:RTC2CMP0 or stopped automatically ?

thank you

  • Hi,

    1. There is no specific function for time-keeping by-default, so you have to make your own. In order to keep time between given events, I would recommend using the RTC as a time-keeper.

    2. The RTC will keep running until it hits it's set value in RTC2CMPx if field CompareMode in register RTC2CON is set to '11'. If this field is set to '10', the timer will not clear.

    This is regardless of wakeup-source from "Standby Mode".

    If you look at the nRFgo SDK, there's a HAL layer written for the RTC located here:

    \nRFgo SDK\source_code\hal\nrf24le1

    Cheers, Håkon

  • Hi,

    1. There is no specific function for time-keeping by-default, so you have to make your own. In order to keep time between given events, I would recommend using the RTC as a time-keeper.

    2. The RTC will keep running until it hits it's set value in RTC2CMPx if field CompareMode in register RTC2CON is set to '11'. If this field is set to '10', the timer will not clear.

    This is regardless of wakeup-source from "Standby Mode".

    If you look at the nRFgo SDK, there's a HAL layer written for the RTC located here:

    \nRFgo SDK\source_code\hal\nrf24le1

    Cheers, Håkon

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