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Problem to connect with connectblue OBS-421

Using OBS-421 from Connectblue as Central. Using simple AT command to connect and get data. Can connect successfully with Cypress BLE as well as the TI sensortag and get data from them. I cannot connect with nRF51, nRF52 at all. Cannot trace any error yet trying to debug by the serial port.

Unfortunately did not investigate with any sniffer or else. Just want to know if there is a known problem with the way nRFx connection and the way Connectblue handle this.

BTW: Try the central with nRF52 and failed so far. Another topic for later. :-)

Thank you for some help. I would like to use nRFx products in this configuration. jean-marc

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Do you have tested to connected the nRF51 or nRF52 to another central, like a phone for example?

    Did you remember to program both a softdevice (S110 or S130) and the application to the nRF51/52 device?

  • Yes I can connect with my phone both nRF51 and nRF52.

    The only one that cannot connect as central is Connectblue. But I would not point Connectblue as the faulty since it can connect with the others (So far TI and Cypress).

    Using one program of mine with nRF51 (mbed) for the nRF51 and using stack S110 for the nRF52 I do not remember what stack but is is a example supplied in the SDK with HRM.

    It must be some way to connect that is used by Nordic that is not used by Connectblue. Or vice-versa. Thank you very much for your help jean-marc

    FOLLOWUP: Used the sniffer and as far as I understand how to use it. :-) Used TI and Nordic to compare.

    The TI peripheral advertise: 13 0.414750 TexasIns_72:9c:87 broadcast LE LL 46 ADV_IND

    Then send the connection request from Connectblue: 423 14.730091 Connectb_1f:01:35 TexasIns_72:9c:87 LE LL 60 CONNECT_REQ

    In this case all is fine. And we can see the connection request. ...... With Nordic (note: the advertisement has only the UUID): 73 2.512886 f9:ff:00:00:00:24 broadcast LE LL 55 ADV_IND

    I send the connection request but nothing happen I only see the Nordic advertisement.

    ... With the phone the connection request can be seen for both TI and Nordic. Following is a connect request from the phone to the Nordic: 202 6.961006 HuaweiTe_bb:00:00 f9:ff:00:00:00:24 LE LL 60 CONNECT_REQ

    Something strange here. Seems that the Connectblue never send a "request connect" when it is a Nordic :-D Could it be that the UUID peripheral number range is locked for some reason?

    UPDATE and resolved: The ConnectBlue OBS421 firmware upgrade 5.3.2 [00:28:06,Apr 29 2015] made it as well as adding a letter "r" at the end of the example: fec123478941r

    Connect well my nRF52 with ConnectBlue OBS421.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to jean-marc

    When trying to establish a link to nRF51/52, could you use the sniffer to track what is being transmitted over the air, and then upload the sniffer log here?

  • I will. I was hoping not having to do it :-) The sniffer is not always connecting and I need lots of trial to connect successfully. I will try in a few days. Too busy now. Thank you for helping. Will let you know. Jean-Marc

  • wrote the result of the sniffer on my second message above...
