I was wondering what the procedure it for questions asked over the weekend. Obviously you guys are only available at office hours (Norway time I'm guessing?), so how do you deal with questions asked over the weekend?
Do you work backwards from the newest, or do you go back to the oldest unanswered and work forwards?
I was just wondering because I wasn't sure if I should wait to ask my questions on monday morning, or post at the weekend and just wait patiently. I have a question active right now that I posted on Sunday, but it's still awaiting an answer; However, I notice many others posted today being answered already so I was considering just holding off on asking questions at the weekend until Monday mornings if that reduced the backlog/made it easier for the ever helpful Nordic employees.
I am always exceptionally pleased with the support the Nordic provide their customers in these forums, so please do not take this post as anything but a question to appease my curiosity.