I usually use electronics.stackexchange.com/.../15143 approach for decoupling capacitors and until now I had much better EMI performances.
I make sure that tracks between decoupling capacitors and MCU never run across main ground plane. GNDs are all connected together and tied with global ground plane in exactly one point.
However, nrf51422 Product specification v3.1. says:
Long power supply lines on the PCB should be avoided. All device grounds, VDD connections, and VDD bypass capacitors must be connected as close as possible to the IC. For a PCB with a topside RF ground plane, the VSS pins should be connected directly to the ground plane. For a PCB with a bottom ground plane, the best technique is to have via holes as close as possible to the VSS pads. A minimum of one via hole should be used for each VSS pin.
Would mine approach result in a problem with nrf51422?