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Using NRF Beacon 51822 via OTA?

Hello, I am quite new to Beacon development. I am trying to use the examples of NRF SDK 10.0 on the NRF Beacon. I would like to "install" the application via OTA. I tried the example in the folder "examples\peripheral\blinky\pca10028\blank\arm5_no_packs". I used Keil v5 to generate a build folder.

I uploaded the hex file to the dropbox and loaded it with the nrfBeacon app. Now I need a init (.dat) file. I am not sure how I could create it on Windows. Could you help me to generate such a file so that I can upload an example application? I tried the examples but could not execute the python script without an error. When I try to use nrfutil with the command "nrfutil dfu genpkg --application nrf51422_xxac.hex", I get the error "wrong value for size". I installed Master Control Panel

  • Hello,

    It is required to specify the softdevice version in the init packet as this is being checked by the bootlaoder (at least for the SDK examples).

    Example arguments for creating a generic distribution .zip (0xFFFE => accept any SD):

    nrfutil dfu genpkg ../ --application <application>.hex --application-version 0xFFFFFFFF --dev-revision 0xFFFF --dev-type 0xFFFF --sd-req 0xFFFE

    Also, you can find pre-made distribution packets here: \nRF51_SDK_10.0.0\examples\dfu\ble_dfu_send_hex\test_images_update_nrf51\
