I am trying to change an example code on ble_app_uart_c (Central) SDK10.0.0 s130.
I have changed already peripheral example and I can see notification data if I connect to peripheral (ble_app_uart) via IOS LightBlue app.
But I could not get the same data via Central example, what I am missing?
Peripheral sends 20bytes via ble_nus_string_send after check:
if (p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.write.handle == m_nus.rx_handles.cccd_handle) {
From Central I can see only:
Connected to target
[DB]: Starting discovery of service with UUID 0x1 for Connection handle 0
[DB]: Discovery of service with UUID 0x1 completed with success for Connectionhandle 0
The device has the device RX characteristic
The device has the device TX characteristic
Any help would be greatly appreciated.