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Choice of RC Internal Oscillator on NRF52

Dear All,

We work on the NRF52 CSP revB. We have a board with two external crystals (32MhZ and 32kHz). When we use the example program with BLE and UART, it works great without any issue !

The issue is the following :

We want to work without 32KhZ Crystal. So we desold the crystal on the breadboard. Then in nrf_drv_config we make the following change


We add to the project the driver nrf_drv_clock and in the main function, after the start of softdevice, BLE stacks.. we put the following functions

ret_code_t err = nrf_drv_clock_init(p_config); nrf_drv_clock_lfclk_request(); nrf_drv_clock_calibration_force ();

The err is NRF_SUCCESS and nrf_drv_clock_lfclk_is_running() is true !!

But the Bluetooth protocol doesn't work ! I have the feeling that the RC internal Oscillator is not selected ! Can you help us ? How to check that the internal RC Oscillator is choosen ?

Sincerely yours

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