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is there anyway to reduce advertising interval on DFU

im using sdk10 softdevice 8.0.

on my app I configured #define APP_ADV_INTERVAL 1500 and I noticed that when I activate Dfu service (activate notification on last service and write), the DfuTarg advertise but it disconnect many times before a successful DFU programming. but when I set #define APP_ADV_INTERVAL 64 I success in my first attempt to program using DFU. in the SDK10\components\libraries\bootloader_dfu\dfu_transport_ble.c file, m_adv_params.interval is set to 0 my question is :

1 what's the mean of setting m_adv_params.interval to 0. minimal value required is 20.

2 where is the advertising interval for DfuTarg is configured? : on my app or on the bootlaoder

3 if the advertising interval is configured on my app, how can I change it to 32 just for the DFU service (I care much about battery life)

4 : if the advertising interval configuration is in the bootlaoder, where can I set it to min??
