As discussed here a way to advertise each 20msec is changing the mode to BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_IND. This is a connectable mode and assume we do not want a connection happen at all.
I don't know if there are ways to program the advertiser to reject all connection (maybe by using whitelist), but again if we can't do this, please comment on the following approach:
- We are updating advertising data by using radio notifications (discussed here)
- What if we configure the mode to be BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND with 100msec interval, and after each advertisement when we receive the radio inactive notification, we disable the radio and in 20msec after that again enable and start the advertisement.
Expectation is that with this method we should get non-connectable advertisements with 20msec interval. I know that this sounds against the BLE spec for non-connectable advertisements, which I don't know what was the reason of setting this limit while connectable ones can go down to 20mses, i.e., there isn't any hardware limitation for that.
But, I want to know if this is feasible, what could be the downsides of it? Does disable/enabling the radio consumes a lot more power compared to programmed intervals?