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Do "SDK 9.0" & "S310 v3.0.0" Support to nRF51422 V3

I'm trying to backport the code form SDK 9.0 to SDK 7.2, but i need to make sure that can be supported.

I found the "ATT-51", and there is a table about that,but the last version is 8.1.0 in this table. so i don't sure that can be supported.

image description

do anyone knows?

  • Hi,

    The compatibility matrix above is outdated, you can find the one that's up to date here which lists the 3rd revision as compatible with all of the latest releases.

    Note that it is the softdevice compatibility that is the most important. On the SDKs we deliver the source code, and it's example code that the customers can modify and use as they see fit. So your application FW still needs to be tested as a part of your development process.

    When a device is not listed for a particular release it means that it has not been tested and may lack necessary workarounds for PANs.
