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Cannot use new S132 with SDK 11


I tried to do migration on new SD S132 but some elements changed (typedef uint32_t nrf_clock_lfclksrc_t is not defined, ...) and i get a lot of errors.

When new SDK will be released please ?

  • Hi,

    I can understand the issues wrt. porting. The structure has changed slightly, which again gives issues with init'ing the softdevice. In addition, the interrupt priorities has been changed to accommodate the 8 interrupt priorities that the nRF52832 has. All this combined makes it a lot of work porting properly.

    The upcoming release of the SDK is scheduled for this month.

    Cheers, Håkon

  • Hi,

    I can understand the issues wrt. porting. The structure has changed slightly, which again gives issues with init'ing the softdevice. In addition, the interrupt priorities has been changed to accommodate the 8 interrupt priorities that the nRF52832 has. All this combined makes it a lot of work porting properly.

    The upcoming release of the SDK is scheduled for this month.

    Cheers, Håkon
