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regarding Flash in nRF51

Hi. I am using PCA10028 board an SDK10.0.0. nRF51's Max flash size is 256KB.

Q1. "s130_nrf51_1.0.0_softdevice.hex" size is 302KB already. How can we make HEX file less than 256KB?

Q2. I used "flashwrite" example. It said "start flash address : 0x3fc00". And wrute/read function looks working well. I want to know "where is 0x3fc00(261,120)?". I think it's out of the area of flash(256K).

Q3. What is FICR for? and What is UICR for? What's difference?

I hope your reply.

  • Q1 - hex size irrelevant - hex files are around 2.5x as big as the actual binary they represent. Only the size of the binary actually matter.

    Q2 - what is 0x3fc00(261,120)? Where did you see that? 3fc00 is the last 1k of flash

    Q3 - this is explained in the nRF51 reference manual. They're configuration regions, UICR is programmable, FICR isn't.

  • Q1 - hex size irrelevant - hex files are around 2.5x as big as the actual binary they represent. Only the size of the binary actually matter.

    Q2 - what is 0x3fc00(261,120)? Where did you see that? 3fc00 is the last 1k of flash

    Q3 - this is explained in the nRF51 reference manual. They're configuration regions, UICR is programmable, FICR isn't.
