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IPhone BLE vs nrf51822

Hello and Happy new year!

My goal - to create ibeacon device. I've bought evaluation board, wrote firmware implementing beacon role and loaded it into PCA10001. It works - I see valid data in master control panel and ios application sees the device. The next step was to make custom board. And now I've got it too. But ios application doesn't see my device as a beacon with new board. Maybe it's a hardware problem, but master control panel sees advertising from the board, which is mean that it's working, or at least working with nrf51822 devices.

So the question is how it can be that nordic's dongle doesn't see any problem with my custom board, but iphone does? What should I do to solve it? If it can help I can attach layout of the device. (On screenshot you can see two device with the same advertisment data: the first one is PCA10001 and the second one is custom board. When the both work iphone sees beacon. If I pull out batteries from PCA10001 beacon device from ios disappears).


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