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why not work dfu ble single bank bootloader of sdk5.2 with softdevice s110 v6.2 ?

hi, I am using currently keil v5. and sdk5.2, softdevice s110 v6.2 for board PCA10028 by changing header file of broad nrf6310. And also when i have been compile dfu_dual_bank_ble_boot loader. so, it's compile and work sucsessfully. and also load .hex(below 17 kB application) file through android application master control panel.

but, when i have change "dfu_dual_bank.c" to "dfu_single_bank.c" . so, it's compile and run.. but, Not load successfully same .hex(below 17 kb application) file. it's stop after loading 7% or 11%

first show below screen like as 9% load sucsessfully

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and after then show below screen

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and sdk5.2, softdevice s110 v6.2 and other set-up is compulsory..

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