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8001 bond


I want to realize the function of bond, I use "lib_aci_bond(180/* in seconds */, 0x0050 /* advertising interval 50ms*/);'\",.When I click the connect, it can connect , but no the pair command box appear.

Something I doesn't configure??

  • Make sure that the bond on the iPhone has been deleted for the specific device (Settings -> Bluetooth -> "Device" -> Forget this device) and the Service cache flushed (turn off and turn on Bluetooth). The bond on the nRF8001 must also be deleted and should be a clean start. The issue that you see is because one of the devices has the older bond and is using it (msot likely the iPhone).

  • Make sure that the bond on the iPhone has been deleted for the specific device (Settings -> Bluetooth -> "Device" -> Forget this device) and the Service cache flushed (turn off and turn on Bluetooth). The bond on the nRF8001 must also be deleted and should be a clean start. The issue that you see is because one of the devices has the older bond and is using it (msot likely the iPhone).

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