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dfu fails only if bonded


Thanks for reading this! I have an odd behavior on my nrf52832 where I am capable of uploading a new firmware via BLE DFU to the peripheral device if it is not bonded to the central device. However, when I bond, the DFU always fails. I suspect it is for this reason, ie the NOINIT section in the ram is not retaining my bond information when passing to the bootloader. I am using Elcipse GCC, so in order to rectify this, I have to modify this linker script: dfu_gcc_nrf52.ld. I dont know how to do so, can anyone point me in the right direction? Is there any way to check that there is indeed bond information retention?

Thank you very much for your time.

edit for phone screenshot: image description

  • I have programmed the bootloader from sdk11 onto my device using the s132 softdevice from sdk9.2 and my bootloader no longer launches the application even though I write : nrfjprog --family nRF52 --memwr 0x7F000 --val 1, so forcing the application to start by writing 0x01 to the bootloader settings address. Additionnally, dfu no longer work either. I have also tried the same thing using the s132 softdevice from sdk11 and I get the same results. What can I do to fix this issue and what additionnal informations would you need to be able to help me? Thanks a lot!

  • I have programmed the bootloader from sdk11 onto my device using the s132 softdevice from sdk9.2 and my bootloader no longer launches the application even though I write : nrfjprog --family nRF52 --memwr 0x7F000 --val 1, so forcing the application to start by writing 0x01 to the bootloader settings address. Additionnally, dfu no longer work either. I have also tried the same thing using the s132 softdevice from sdk11 and I get the same results. What can I do to fix this issue and what additionnal informations would you need to be able to help me? Thanks a lot!

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