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when nRF51822 disconnect with phone above 1 minute ,it can not reconnect

when nRF51822 disconnect with phone above 1 minute ,it can not reconnect

  • Hi, what example are you using?

    Also can you tell us what SoftDevice, SDK version, and IDE (IAR, Keil, etc) are you using?

    #define APP_ADV_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS      60       /**< The advertising timeout (in units of seconds). */

    I'm taking a guess about this. Can you check what value are you using?

    Also toggle a breakpoint at on_ble_evt function


    to check whether the timeout event has occurred.

    At each examples, the device powers off and does not advertise.

    -Regards, Mango

  • Hi, what example are you using?

    Also can you tell us what SoftDevice, SDK version, and IDE (IAR, Keil, etc) are you using?

    #define APP_ADV_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS      60       /**< The advertising timeout (in units of seconds). */

    I'm taking a guess about this. Can you check what value are you using?

    Also toggle a breakpoint at on_ble_evt function


    to check whether the timeout event has occurred.

    At each examples, the device powers off and does not advertise.

    -Regards, Mango
