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How to enable Jlink for custom board for nRF52832 DK

I am using nRF52832 DK. I have connected our custom board using Debug out and loading code is successful for custom board. I loaded radio_test code. Now I want to test the radio parameters. For that any settings required on the DK board to enable Jlink for custom board?????? In my system Jlink isi detected in com ports, but I am not getting Radio test in terminal. Please provide any settings required to enable Jlink for custom board.

Thanks in Advance.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    The problem may be that the UART pins on the external board are not connected to anything. The debugger pins does only consist of SWDCLK, SWDIO, GND and VDD.

    Update 15.0316: The image below shows use the nRF52 DK (board 1) to

    1. program a PCB that is not connected to a debugger (board 2)
    2. print UART data from board 2 on the PC connected to board 1. The UART cables are connected to the defined UART pins on Board 1 and Board 2, respectively.

    image description

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    The problem may be that the UART pins on the external board are not connected to anything. The debugger pins does only consist of SWDCLK, SWDIO, GND and VDD.

    Update 15.0316: The image below shows use the nRF52 DK (board 1) to

    1. program a PCB that is not connected to a debugger (board 2)
    2. print UART data from board 2 on the PC connected to board 1. The UART cables are connected to the defined UART pins on Board 1 and Board 2, respectively.

    image description
