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nRF52 Slow To Discover Services In MCP

I am having trouble with the service discovery of my application. When I click Discover Services it takes several seconds to discover all of the services. For example between the GetDeviceInfo() shown in the MCP log and the Service Discovery Complete it takes 48 seconds total.

I have fast and slow advertising set up. Fast advertising is 25ms interval and slow is 500ms. The min connection interval is 400ms, max is 650 and the time out is 4000ms.

Any idea what would cause this?


  • Get a sniffer trace and you'll see directly what's going on, anything else is guesswork. How many characteristics and services do you have? Advertising interval not relevant unless the initial connection is taking a while to hit an advertising event it can reply with a connection event to. Do you have slave latency set and if so to what?

  • Get a sniffer trace and you'll see directly what's going on, anything else is guesswork. How many characteristics and services do you have? Advertising interval not relevant unless the initial connection is taking a while to hit an advertising event it can reply with a connection event to. Do you have slave latency set and if so to what?

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