the main.c code main.c
the main.c code main.c
You will need to provide a lot more information than this. 1000 lines of copy pasted code is not easy for us to debug.
You will need to provide a lot more information than this. 1000 lines of copy pasted code is not easy for us to debug.
hi: sdk is :nRF52_SDK_11.0.0
2.I modify the code under the sdk dir:\nRF52_SDK_11.0.0\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart
Thank you very much.
If you are using the release version of SDK 11, V11.0.0, which was released just a couple of hours ago you should use the release version of S132, V2.0.0, as well. Not the alpha.
Can you please do the debugging and step through your code as I suggested?
Thank you very much.
hi can you tell me where I download the S132 V2.0.0 software.
Latest version of the S132 can be found here.