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softdevice upload ota

I am using the bootloader from github here to upload DFU over-the-air using an android phone. It works fine for bootloader and application uploads. But if I upload the softdevice (the same version that is already on) then the bootloader does not work anymore afterwards. The softdevice uploads correctly, crc checks are successful and the device resets, but after the reset the bootloader get's stuck in the ble_stack_init() and does not go anymore into DFU mode. Uploading the bootloader using JLink does not help either, I need to upload both the softdevice and bootloader again using JLink before it starts working again.

I am using a 32k PCA10031, with Softdevice s130 v1.0 and SDK 8.1 and single bank DFU upload.

Anybody has an idea what the problem could be or what I can do about it?

Thanks, Dominik

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