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Receive BLE beacon on TWI from nrf51422

We have a new daughter board connected via I2C to an Atmel controller. What we need to do is load the right softstack onto the NRF and then send the needed commands to tell it to start advertising and whatever we need to do to receive any beacons it detects.

Is there a simple explanation of the steps needed and are there any similar example projects available ?

  • Hello.

    Let me split my answer into two parts, programming the nRF, and running the application.

    Running the application Here you have two choices. The first one is using the nRF as a pure connectivity chip. Here the nRF will be used as a pure BLE chip, and all the logic is done on the host MCU. (The Atmel chip). The other is to create the custom firmware on the nRF, and implement some simple communication over i2c. We do have example projects in the SDK you can base your project on in both cases.

    Programming You can program the nRF chip through the SWD interface with a normal programmer/debugger unit (from a PC). You use this to first program the softdevice (BLE stack), and then the application. You can also program the nRF through your main MCU if that is needed (this is more complicated). You can do this either through the SWD interface, or other serial interfaces (SPI, I2C, uart). If you need the latter, you must first flash the nRF with a Serial bootloader.

    What kind of board is the nRF51 chip on?

    Are you going to use this both as a beacon and beacon scanner, or just the scanner?

    If you are completely new to the nRF, i recommend you to check out the getting started page, as well as our tutorial page.

  • I am working with peterv on this project and I just wanted to get clarification on some things. First, we are using the nRF51 to scan for beacons only. I think this means the nRF51 will not do any "advertising" itself. From what I have read so far, it sounds like we need to implement/use a broadcasting feature "scan for"/"observer"/"detect" any beacons around our device. S110 seems to be suited for just this role, is that correct? I briefly looked through the TWI links you sent, but have not looked through any of the SDK/softdevice sources yet, so I was wondering if there was somewhere specific to look for usage of the TWI library/driver?

  • I am working with peterv on this project and I just wanted to get clarification on some things. First, we are using the nRF51 to scan for beacons only. I think this means the nRF51 will not do any "advertising" itself. From what I have read so far, it sounds like we need to implement/use a broadcasting feature "scan for"/"observer"/"detect" any beacons around our device. S110 seems to be suited for just this role, is that correct? I briefly looked through the TWI links you sent, but have not looked through any of the SDK/softdevice sources yet, so I was wondering if there was somewhere specific to look for usage of the TWI library/driver?

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