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TWI issue ?


I have a capricious component on my TWI bus, and sometimes my nRF52 do an infinite loop in file nrf_drv_twi.c

in this loop while (!nrf_twim_event_check(p_twim, evt_to_wait)) { ... }

Why I have no done and no error ? Could it be possible to add a timeout as protection.

  • Sounds strange. Have you captured the TWI lines to see if the STOP/SUSPENDED condition happens? Do the code work if you use handler? I assume you have not modified the driver or are touching any of the NRF_TWIM or NRF_TWI registers?

  • Sounds strange. Have you captured the TWI lines to see if the STOP/SUSPENDED condition happens? Do the code work if you use handler? I assume you have not modified the driver or are touching any of the NRF_TWIM or NRF_TWI registers?

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