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TWI issue ?


I have a capricious component on my TWI bus, and sometimes my nRF52 do an infinite loop in file nrf_drv_twi.c

in this loop while (!nrf_twim_event_check(p_twim, evt_to_wait)) { ... }

Why I have no done and no error ? Could it be possible to add a timeout as protection.

  • Hi. I'm having the same problem. Usually, but not always, the SDA line remains constantly low. My only way to recover the I2C peripheral is to reset the CPU. Are there news about this behaviour??? Thanks in advance. Elena

  • Hi. I'm having the same problem. Usually, but not always, the SDA line remains constantly low. My only way to recover the I2C peripheral is to reset the CPU. Are there news about this behaviour??? Thanks in advance. Elena

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