Hi, I was able to successfully implement the tutorial titled "Testing and using a simple BLE application" available in the Tutorial section and transfer data from termite and the UART app and vice versa. For my project the thing I need was suppose I have an array of numbers like
int a[size] = [12,23,34,45];
I want to know how to transfer that data to the Android App as soon as I connect the NRF51 and the Android App. LIKE, exactly which part of the code should we edit for the NRF51 so that we can send data instantly as we connect the android instead of manually sending from TERMITE
Please help me or guide me to a tutorial. I think a lot of people are looking forward to this kind of tutorial because this is what typical user would want. We are not going to send data over terminal in a real world hardware application. To respective Nordic employees, please make this tutorial.