I want to debug RF51822 board by uart port , communicate with pc, e.g use printf() in program,after download RF51822 board,print statement to pc uart port, how to realize this operation ? I have a RS232 to TTL debug board,please answer me
I want to debug RF51822 board by uart port , communicate with pc, e.g use printf() in program,after download RF51822 board,print statement to pc uart port, how to realize this operation ? I have a RS232 to TTL debug board,please answer me
Does it have to be your own USB UART or can you use the already enabled UART to USB on the DK? If you have all drivers (Segger drivers) installed you can use the USB on the DK, fire up the UART example in the peripheral folder and you are good to go.
Open the UART example, connect your TTL pins to the UART pins on the DK (silkscreen on the back), connect the RS232 to your COM port and connect to COM1.
Or easier, use the USB on the DK, install Segger drivers (included in nrf tools), open the UART example and connect to the emulated COM port for the DK.