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multiple services issue

I'm running into something weird on SDK8.0 (I will be upgrading soon to SDK10, however it's a layered roll out so I can't update right now unless you tell me it's a bug in SDK8.0

I have two primary services. I register each and get two different handles. I then register a bunch of characteristic value attributes to each of the service handles and then discover on the central role only to find out that one service has no characteristics and the other has them all. Each service has an unique UUID, each service has a set of unique UUID characteristics and a couple in common. I see this happen on both a S130 central role and with the MCP so I trust that this is happening on the S110 side. Everything works, it's just that the service discovery is claiming zero assigned value handles to the first and all of them on the other. Reading and writing the value handles is just fine.

Any clue on why this can be happening? I can't post the code here due to client confidentially.

  • I just remembered as well that it's always been a little weird since when I was just using one service it never seemed to return the right end handle for the service and I needed to patch my central discovery state machine to just go to 64K and stop on the first not found error. MCP did seem to discover the single service just fine and once I put in the manual end handle it worked on my S120/S130 project.

  • I just remembered as well that it's always been a little weird since when I was just using one service it never seemed to return the right end handle for the service and I needed to patch my central discovery state machine to just go to 64K and stop on the first not found error. MCP did seem to discover the single service just fine and once I put in the manual end handle it worked on my S120/S130 project.

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