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s120 problem


first of all i need to say, i am very happy to found the s120 softdevice where we can implement the client role also

i downloaded new alpha version of s120 softdevice and working with it, when burn the code of s120/experimental/ble_app_hrs_c into the development board, it is working perfectly, it is detecting my evaluation module which is dumped witht the ble_app_hrs,

after that i tried with the multi_client application on development board but this one is not working and multi_pheripheral application also not working on evaluation board, i followed every thing correctly but both boards are not working as expected, what may the cause, i am eagerly waiting to work with the s120

  • You don't describe very well what you don't see working. On the evaluation kit, which softdevice version are you using? Do you see any of the LEDs light up? Have you tried running either project with the debugger, with a breakpoint in app_error_handler to see if you get any errors?

  • You don't describe very well what you don't see working. On the evaluation kit, which softdevice version are you using? Do you see any of the LEDs light up? Have you tried running either project with the debugger, with a breakpoint in app_error_handler to see if you get any errors?

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