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what hex value to be written on the the MCP (immediate alert service) for IOS

Hello Everyone,

I have been working around BLE profiles for few months and i have made several tested for each service via MCP(android) everything works fine but now i switched to IOS(MCP) when i connect for the first time it is asking static passkey and then its get connected and bonded when it comes to writing values like for an example am using immediate alert service when i press the write button it is asking me to write the hexadecimal values so i wrote 0*01 for mild alert but nothing happens in the NRF51DK the same functionality if i do in Android it makes the LED ON the Developement board so i request anyone could you suggest me how to test the proxmity service and immediate alert service in the IOS MCP do i have to make some changes in the functionality of the program or please tell me what needs to be done

Thank you prabhu

  • Hi Prabhudurai,

    Attached is the screenshots:

    image description image description image description image description

    After that the LED3 on the nRF51 DK light up.

    Please provide us a sniffer trace capturing packets when you are testing. Also please run in debug mode and check if there is any write event.

  • actually when i reconnect it is getting connected but not bonded if i write 0x01 on the immediate alert service nothing happening on the device side where if i delete the erase bond information on the bluetooth side and then its working very well sorry i cannot able to use sniffer trace because i do not have two devices along with me i just have only one NRF51DK

    where in the Andoird it getting connected automatically and works very well no need to delete the bond information its due to apple settings or there is somethign wrong in my software

  • actually when i reconnect it is getting connected but not bonded if i write 0x01 on the immediate alert service nothing happening on the device side where if i delete the erase bond information on the bluetooth side and then its working very well sorry i cannot able to use sniffer trace because i do not have two devices along with me i just have only one NRF51DK

    where in the Andoird it getting connected automatically and works very well no need to delete the bond information its due to apple settings or there is somethign wrong in my software

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