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What is the GPIO Input current off the nRF52832?

What is the GPIO Input Current off the nRF52832 when it's defined as Input and No Pull_up or Pull-Down is activated?

  • Hi,

    The leakage currrent of the inputs is very low, so low that we do not specify them (most likely in the femto-ampere area). When using a pull-up or down resistor, the nominal resistance is 13k, but since this is implemented in silicon, it may vary from 11k - 16k, as specified in the datasheet.

    However; you can get into a "floating input" scenario, which may increase your current consumption in sleep. It is then important that your GPIOs configured as inputs are set to a defined level (either externally, or using the internal pull resistor). If you have GPIOs that shall not be used in sleep, its recommended to disconnect them using the NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[n], field DISCONNECT, as described here:

    Cheers, Håkon
