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using Debug OUT

Hi. I made my own board using nRF51822AC. I want to connect this board to PCA10028. There is Debug OUT port(P19). Net names are EXT_VTG, EXT_GND_DETECT, EXT_SWDIO, EXT_SWDCLK, EXT_SWO, EXT_RESET.

Question : Where can I connect EXT_SWO, EXT_RESET? As I know, nRF51 just needs SWDIO and SWCLK to download and debug. What are those signals for?

  • EXT_SWO is used if you are using this feature, which you probably aren't:

    so I would think you don't need to connect EXT_SWO to anything.

    EXT_RESET: I'm not exactly sure. again i don't think you need to connect it to anything. taking a quick look at the schematic files I am going to make an educated guess: EXT_RESET is not connected to the nRF51. rather it is there because nRF52 chips use it and we want to share the PCB design between the two. so in your case you wouldnt use it.

  • EXT_SWO is used if you are using this feature, which you probably aren't:

    so I would think you don't need to connect EXT_SWO to anything.

    EXT_RESET: I'm not exactly sure. again i don't think you need to connect it to anything. taking a quick look at the schematic files I am going to make an educated guess: EXT_RESET is not connected to the nRF51. rather it is there because nRF52 chips use it and we want to share the PCB design between the two. so in your case you wouldnt use it.
