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nrf_temp functions for nrf51822 EK


Do the nrf_temp functions, nrf_temp_init() and nrf_temp_read() only work for the nrf6310 board? Are there equivalent functions for the EK?

Thanks, Mike

  • Hi Mike

    The temperature_example in the nRF51 SDK should run on the evaluation kit as well as the development kit. This is also true for other examples in the SDK. The difference is different LEDs and Buttons pin mapping for the two kits. In the temperature_example which is for the nRF6310, the temperature reading is shown on port 1 (pins 8-15) on the nRF6310 motherboard which is shown on the motherboard's 8 LEDS if pins 8-15 are connected to the LEDs. The evaluation board only has two LEDs so perhaps a better way to see the temperature result is to set a breakpoint in the code after the temperature value is read and see the value in the debugger. You can read about how to debug in Keil in the dedicated chapter in the nRF51822 Evaluation Kit User Guide
