20160316_113235.jpgHi guys,
i have 20 nodes and a central in my network, that are very close to each other except central device ( All of nodes are in a approximately 20cmx40cm area). Any device of these 20 nodes should collect up some datas of nodes and send to the single client. So the network can include 1 Client and 20 Nodes, in which one of these nodes acts as central (client) to send out all of sensor datas in a table. This network must meet following conditions:
The central device should communicate to only one device (Client device in 20 devices). Central device will always listen to network whether any device is available.
All of 20 devices can be exist in network or none of them can be there. If there is only one device, then this device should inform the central.
It should be fastly clarified whether there is any device in network and should be send out only a few bytes of data to the central.
I don't know whether it could be developed an algorithm, that helps to find out the client device in 20 nodes. Because this network includes more than 8 nodes and all of them should act as either client or slave. Has anybody an idea to solve this problem?
I think, that i can let the device to act as client, that is first supplied. But i am not sure.
I would be very appreciate, if anybody tells me, which solution will be better.
Note: I want to use nrf51 DK to realize this.
Thanks a lot,