I am trying to port blinky_blank (no SoftDevice) to my target and started by creating a custom_board.h header file with correct GPIO pins for the LEDs and duplicating blinky_blank_pca10040 armgcc Makefile project. The project flashes and runs just fine on an erased PCA10040 version 0.9.0 (granted, the LEDs don't blink since they're moved). However, when debugging with my custom target the debugger is not able to break on main() and when I pause, I see it's in the HardFault_Handler(). Breaking on SystemInit or _start does not work either so this is happening very early. I was sure to erase the entire chip where I had a working BLE application before.
The PCA10040 has a N52832 QFAABA and my target has a QFAAAC.
Any tips on how I can debug this? I don't think it's a crystal or linker file issue since I'm using a SoftDevice.