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Power Profiling Application for 3rd-party evaluation board

I want to measure a current consumption for the 3rd-party evaluation board which has 32MHz crystal and 32KHz crystal, and there is not PO.18 on the 3rd-party evaluation board. I did follows in the Power Profiling Application software.

1.I changed clock to 32MHz In system_nrf51.c #define __SYSTEM_CLOCK (16000000UL) to (32000000UL)

2.Port change from button2 to button 3 for non-connectable mode. In main.c #define NON_CONN_ADV_BUTTON_ID 2 to 3

Then I compile and program the software to the the 3rd-party evaluation board. I push button1 and Connectable mode advertising starts , it is about 20ms interval. After ending connectable mode advertising, I push button 3 and Non-connectable mode adverting starts ,it is about 100ms interval. I use S110 v 8.0.0.

I have questions:

1.I want to know TX-power level for the both advertising operations. When I need to change TX-power level, how to chagne it?

2.Is this application DC/DC converter ON or OFF at 3.0V operation?

3.Which channel (s) are used for non-connectable advertising? All 3 channels?

4.I changed APP_CFG_CONNECTION_INTERVAL value, however Connectable mode advertising interval was not changed. How to change the advertising interval ?

5.How to change the advertising interval for Non-connectable mode advertising interval?

In main.c, there are #define CONNECTABLE_ADV_INTERVAL and #define NON_CONNECTABLE_ADV_INTERVAL, are they the true interval definition ?

  • Dear Stefan

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    SDK I am using is "nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e".

    About nRF51 chip marking: There is shield case on the chip, so I can not see the chip marking. However, the evaluation board manual said nRF51822 Rev.3.

    Sorry, I wrote wrong value for changing button. For changing of non-connectable mode button, I wrote "In main.c #define NON_CONN_ADV_BUTTON_ID 2 to 3". Correction is "In main.c #define NON_CONN_ADV_BUTTON_ID 1 to 2"

    Best regards, Ken

  • Dear Stefan

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    SDK I am using is "nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e".

    About nRF51 chip marking: There is shield case on the chip, so I can not see the chip marking. However, the evaluation board manual said nRF51822 Rev.3.

    Sorry, I wrote wrong value for changing button. For changing of non-connectable mode button, I wrote "In main.c #define NON_CONN_ADV_BUTTON_ID 2 to 3". Correction is "In main.c #define NON_CONN_ADV_BUTTON_ID 1 to 2"

    Best regards, Ken

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