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Flash Data Storage

hi nordic Have a code project sample shows the typical use Flash applications in data storage? I see

    my code
#define FILE_ID     0x1111
#define REC_KEY     0x2222

static void fds_evt_handler(ret_code_t       result,
                            fds_cmd_id_t     cmd,
                            fds_record_id_t  record_id,
                            fds_record_key_t record_key)
    // Handle events here

ret_code_t module_fds_register(void)
    ret_code_t retval = fds_register(fds_evt_handler);
    if(retval != NRF_SUCCESS)
        // Registering of callback handler failed.
        return retval;

    retval = fds_init();
    if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS)
        // Error.
        return retval;
    return retval;

ret_code_t module_fds_write(uint32_t *p_data)

    ret_code_t         retval;
    fds_record_key_t   key;
    fds_record_chunk_t chunk;
    fds_record_desc_t  descriptor;

    // Fill in the record keys.
    key.type     = REC_KEY;
    key.instance = FILE_ID;

    // Initialize the record chunk, pointing it to the data to be stored.
    chunk.p_data       = p_data;
    chunk.length_words = 1;

    // Write the record to flash.
    retval = fds_write(&descriptor,
                       1 ,  /*number of chunks*/
    if (retval != NRF_SUCCESS)
        // Error.
    return  retval;
    // The command was queued. Wait for a callback signalling its completion.


ret_code_t module_fds_read(uint32_t p_data ,fds_length_t length_words)
    fds_type_id_t     type;
    fds_instance_id_t inst;
    fds_find_token_t  tok;
    fds_record_desc_t descriptor;
    fds_record_t      record;

    // Set the record keys.
    type = REC_KEY;
    inst = FILE_ID;

    //SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, " module_fds_read\n");
    // Loop until all records with the given key pair has been found.
    if(fds_find(type, inst, &descriptor, &tok) == NRF_SUCCESS)
        // A record was found. Open the record to check its contents.
        fds_open(&descriptor, &record);

        // Cast the data.
        *p_data = (uint32_t)(*record.p_data); 

        // When you are done, close the record using its descriptor.


Writing down a record and Retrieving data is no SOME_VALUE.

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