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How to raise mouse frequency(or report rate) with nrf51822

It's only 90hz now with my nrf6310 and hid_mouse_app

Parents Reply
  • You are giving way to little information about your code to let the guys even guess what is going on. If you dont want to show your code here in public, I suggest you contact the support line at Nordic, giving them your full project.

    No one knows whats going on in your wheel_check(), mouse_sensor_send() etc. You say you set the period to 1ms: This is not equal to a rate of 1000Hz since this is also depending on everything else in your code, not just your delay in main. Remember that everything in your code takes time to execute! Try toggling a pin in the beginning and the end of your for(;;) and meassure with your analyzer how long this loops takes.

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